5 Tips for Environmentally Friendly Living!
12 February 2021
Going green can be simple and what better way than to start now. Here are a few tips to help you get started with sustainable living.
- Switch it off
- Do you need plastics?
- Save on water
- Recycle where possible
- Plant a tree
Tip 1: Switch it off
Energy conservation is the practice of using less energy. Switching off the light when you leave the room, and unplugging appliances when they are not in use are examples of conservation. It is one of the easiest things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint and can also help reduce your household bills!
Tip 2: Do you need plastic?
Plastics has consumed the market we live in today, but it is a lot easier to get rid of it than you may think. Plastic bags, plastic bottles and micro-plastics are choking Australian sea life and clogging our marine ecosystems which is why it is important to eliminate the use of plastics. Say yes to reusable shopping bags, use a reusable coffee cup, and you can replace your plastic straws with metal straws. Also think outside the square for other practical ideas. For example, next time you need a bin for your dry office waste, how about using an empty cardboard box instead of buying a plastic litter bin.
Tip 3: Save on water
Reducing your water usage will also reduce electricity used directly or indirectly. With water being such a vital natural resource for life, saving water and reducing water wastage is a great way to take action. You can start by minimizing your shower time, fixing the leaking taps in your house, and turning off water when you brush your teeth.
Tip 4: Recycle where possible
Chances since you’re looking at taking on a more eco-friendlier role that you’re already recycling. But could you improve your recycling? You can recycle almost everything, from paper to clothes to electronics. Before you throw it away, take a minute to find out if you can turn your waste into a reusable resource.
Tip 5: Plant a tree
Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines. Have you ever taken an Aspirin? It comes from the bark of a tree!
It is important that we continue to plant more trees to replace those that have been felled. It is something that more people and businesses need to do to protect the environment and help preserve our wildlife.
Improper disposed/recycled waste and plastics lead to our environment becoming polluted, in turn having devastating effects on our earth.
Lightweight rubbish can easily be spread into our environment by wind and rain, increasing pollution rates and effecting our wildlife and marine animals in a life threating way. Including chocking, entanglement and death.
Rubbish also interferes with our water systems, which can in turn become toxic for humans. This is evident when our water becomes contaminated with animals, causing severe health.
Incorrect disposal can also diminish our beautiful plant life.
- Clean Up Australia Day takes part on the 7th of March. You can get involved in your local community to clean up by disposing and recycling waste.
- You can also donate to charities that have organized for this special event.
- For information on our bins for clean ups visit us at www.insantwaste.com.au or call on 9379 2111