University students learn about waste avoidance & design considerations when building for deconstruction & recycling at IWM’s educational site tour.

University students learnt about waste avoidance and the latest’s recycling advancements in single commingled bin processing.

Over a Hundred future designers & architects attended the educational presentation along with their lecturers as part of their formal syllabus.

One of the key topics discussed was that waste can be avoided in the design phase of the project. Based on data from RMIT it was estimated that around forty % of construction & demolition waste is created during the design stage rather than poor site construction practices.  This placed the burden of change firmly at the architectural doorstep & these budding young designers / architects were keen to accept their challenges.

Especially when you consider how efficient modern building processes have developed over the years.  We discussed the benefits and limitations of modular construction. As lean manufacturing principles don’t always fit very well in the project based construction (main & sub contractual processes); Dominated by closely guarded relationships at a micro level which are difficult to assess let alone manage.

Why not get to know your subcontractors & project team by arranging your own tour at our Material Recovery Facility in Bayswater Perth. See how we process & recycle approx. Ninety % from one commingled skip bin. Click here to watch the Go-Pro Camera footage.

Click here to download the tour flyer and contact us for information on your Continual Personal Development.