Instant Waste Management gets involved in the media, government and Industry association workshops. We are developing & communicating the positive messages needed today, helping create behaviour change, promoting and acknowledging the success of recycling initiatives, like our “Waste Sustainability in Action” educational film. Click here to watch the Go-Pro Camera footage of our process. Once you’ve had a look at our news articles, please download our retail discount voucher.
How to Build an Eco-Friendly House – Key Things to Consider
26 September 2018
Did you know that buildings – including the homes we live in – account for about 40% of global energy consumption? That’s over a third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. There are numerous considerations to make when planning the build of an eco-friendly house. And with new technologies...

IWM Wins 2018 HIA GreenSmart Award
13 August 2018
Instant Waste Management have been awarded the 2018 HIA GreenSmart Award for Resource Efficiency. We are delighted to have been acknowledged by the HIA (Housing Industry Association) for our 96% recycling rate achievement for the Catalina estate project. The initiative saw over 3,800 tonnes of construction waste being recycled into...

Plastic-Free July – How to Get On Board
30 July 2018
With Australia’s waste volumes increasing at double the rate of our population and the implementation of China’s National Sword Policy in January this year, it is more crucial than ever that we take considerable measures to reduce landfill and cut global warming emissions. From rising sea levels and increased...

Waste Management – What the Future Holds
25 June 2018
With the world’s population expected to reach 8.6 billion by 2030, waste generation is inevitably on the rise. The volume of waste sent to landfill and the devastating impact this has on the environment – and our health – is alarming to say the least. While a surge in...

What is Your Waste Recycled Into?
28 May 2018
The average person in Western Australia produces a whopping 2.4 tonnes of waste each year. On a per capita basis, this makes WA the highest waste-producing state in Australia. With Australia’s waste growing at double the rate of our population, awareness about waste management and recycling has never been...

Why Restaurants Need to Regularly Clean Their Grease Traps
19 April 2018
Grease traps are an important part of any commercial kitchen, as they prevent grease that is washed down the drains from entering the sewers. But without regular cleaning, grease traps can fill up and cause all kinds of problems. Dirty grease traps will start to give off horrible smells,...

IWM Supports KAB – Keeping Australia Beautiful!
16 March 2018
As big advocates for the protection of our environment, IWM were delighted to support a recent Keep Australia Beautiful initiative in the Shire of Murray. We spent the morning helping fellow volunteers to collect drink cans, bottles and bags – not to mention bag-loads of rubbish! – from Cantwell...

Why Recycling Helps the Environment
14 March 2018
In today’s world, barely a day passes without some form of media coverage on recycling, repurposing, reusing, the environment, pollution, greenhouse gasses, global warming…. the list goes on. With so much publicity surrounding environmental protection, it is widely acknowledged and accepted in the Western world that the environmental benefits...

10 Easy Ways to Become More Environmentally-Friendly
07 March 2018
Being environmentally-friendly doesn’t have to be difficult, time consuming or costly. As overwhelming as the change to go green can seem, it’s much easier than you think. And a few simple changes each day can make a big impact. The ‘going green movement’ has encouraged a surprising number of...

Why More People are Choosing to go Zero Waste – What You Didn’t Know!
12 January 2018
With the popularity of living a zero waste lifestyle soaring online, it’s time to dispose of the myth that it’s difficult and costly to achieve. In fact, moving your household to a more environmentally-conscious lifestyle could reduce your expenditure while creating a happier and healthier home. There is usually...