Sustainable House day in Fremantle attended by over two thousand people
08 September 2013
Instant Waste Management was pleased to work with Josh Byrne and the City of Fremantle to provide the event’s waste & recycling needs. Download Instant Waste Management’s Event’s Flyer. Why not contact Instant Waste Management for help with your event, we’ve managed the Australia day Skyworks event and look after the waste needs for a wide range of Western Australian events—watch more of our involvement with Skyworks below.
Over two thousand people turned up to Josh’s Sustainable house day. One of many such Sustainable House day events Hyperlink to Sustainable house day in 2nd website window. held on this sunny September. People open their doors to demonstrate their environmentally friendly designed homes to the public.
There were plenty of supplier experts on hand to discuss the environment and energy saving technics at Josh’s House. Our flyers on recycling construction waste were passed out and a fact sheet was available from the website.
Click here to download the waste fact sheet that Josh loaded on his website following the tour
Watch the film made by of Josh’s tour below.