Homebuyers Centre wins MBA’s recycling award in 2015

Homebuyers Centre wins MBA’s 2015 residential recycling award 2nd time around

Both finalists were Instant Waste customers, it was a close call for the Government & Industry judges whom by issuing the award acknowledged the great things that Homebuyers Centre (HBC) have been doing with Instant Waste on the Catalina Estate with a mixed single bin recycling system.

Greg Carter, Homebuyers General Manager collected the recycling Award from the Waste Authority’s Chairman Marcus Geisler & Geoff Copper the MBA Director at a black tie awards night.

Close runners up, Arklan Developments based in Fremantle, who also took the time to research what was happening with their construction waste off site. IWM-tour-information-flyer.pdf

Picture: Geoff Cooper (MBA) Greg Carter (HBC) & Marcus Geisler (OWA)

cropped MBA geoff greg marcus recycling award 2015