Partnerships and Awards
Greensmart HIA 2018
Instant Waste Management was acknowledged by the Housing Industry Association for its’ award winning resource efficiency on the Catalina Estate, for working with the estate’s builders on land owned by Tamala Park Regional Council and developed by Satterley Property Group.
We would like to thank all the builders who supported this waste reporting initiative which has hit a +90% recycling rate of the construction waste which we recycled into road base and other viable secondary markets.

Master Builders WA Member
As MBA WA members we sponsored the very first commercial construction “Excellence in Waste Management” award in 2013, when Brookfield Multiplex was issued this inaugural award for their Ninety percentages plus recycling rate at the Fiona Stanley Hospital project, a project we serviced.
In 2014 PACT Construction won the award for their work with us on the One70 Railway Parade project.

Central Eastern Business Association
We were very proud to be awarded the Central Eastern Business Association winning award for the “Best Environmental or Sustainable Business” in 2013 for our work in our local community, presented by the Mayor of the City of Bayswater.

Star Awards
As the Chair of the not for profit “Dob in a Dumper” committee we were recognised for the group’s outstanding action to reduce illegally dumped waste, creating a cleaner and safer Western Australia in 2013.

We won the GreenSmart “Partnership” award in 2008, 2009 & were awarded the GreenSmart “Resource Efficiency” award in 2010, in 2011 & 2012. These WA government sponsored awards recognised our significant contribution to the recycling of housing industry association projects. in 2014 we won the GreenSmart Professional nationally.

WA Waste Authority
In 2010 we were recognised by the Western Australian state government’s Waste Authority, as winners of the first “Towards Zero Waste” award for our Waste Reduction & Resource Recovery initiatives.

WA Australian Institute of Building
Our WA Australian Institute of Building customers acknowledge our recycling project’s Infrastructure category “high commendation” at the 2013 AIB “Professional Excellence” awards. Our Material Recovery Facility is designed to recycle a single bins’ waste off site.

WA Infinity Awards
We supported our clients’ entry for the State Government’s 2013 Infinity Awards. Very pleased Brookfield Multiplex was listed as a finalist and have our recycling service recognised (on a major hospital infrastructure project) by our clients who received a high commendation in the Business category award. Our clients also won the 2014 Business award & our system was listed amongst the finalists.

WA GreenSmart “Professional” 2014
Finalists for the WA GreenSmart “Professional” awards in 2013, for our educational initiative “Waste Sustainability in Action”. Click here to watch the Go-Pro Camera footage .The last few GreenSmart Professional awards 2011 – 2012 were won by our clients, who acknowledge our recycling service.
Resubmitted & developed our advocacy & educational programme In 2014 & won the national & WA GreenSmart Professional award categories for our hard work.

Urban Development Institute
We recently sponsored the Urban Development Institute’s WA Sustainable Conference where Dr Karl Kruszelnicki presented alongside our client Josh Byrne Click here to watch Josh’s tour on a wide range of environmental initiatives & highlighted the Enviro Development leaf programme which we support via a taskforce review process.

Green Living Builder
An accredited Green Living Builder. If you want help with your projects’ recycling & waste reporting for your own Green Living accreditation, we can provide you with this service with no inconvenience.

Resource Recovery
When we formally opened our brand new Material Recovery Facility in Perth we were honoured to have the ceremony conducted by the WA Minister for the Environment; Water the Hon. Bill Marmion MLA. He acknowledged our achievements. The Hon. Albert Jacob MLA – WA Minister for the Environment recently visited to see our achievement.