Quick and easy tips for keeping your bins smelling fresh!

A common challenge for many businesses is dealing with unpleasant smells coming from their waste bins. Foul smells can turn a customer’s positive experience into an unpleasant one leaving a negative impression of the business.

Here are some tips that may assist in controlling smelly bins.

  1. Wash your bins.
  2. Use bin bags.
  3. Use deodorisers.
  4. Increase service frequency.
  5. Keep bins away from heat.
  6. Keep bins dry.
  7. Consider freezing food waste until the service date.
  8. Keep the lid of the bin closed.
  9. Lock your bins.

1. Wash Your Bins:

Consider a regular washing program of bins to remove the build-up of decaying waste attached in or around the bin.  This may be as simple as using a garden hose and applying environmentally friendly detergent. 

2. Use Bin Bags:

If you are not currently doing so, you may wish to consider the use of biodegradable bin bags that will contain the waste thereby avoiding the build-up of waste on the walls and floor of the bin.

3. Use Deodorisers:

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In many cases, the use of environmentally friendly deodorisers can assist in neutralising smells emanating from waste bins. This is especially effective if used in conjunction with the other steps outlined in this blog (e.g., washing your bins). We have been recommending a product called “Bin Bombs” which are a form of bio-degradable granules, infused with a unique deodorant. If you would like to purchase this product, please contact our office on 9379 2111.

4. Increase Service Frequency:

Smells typically arise due to the decay of organic matter. The longer the period in-between services, the more intense the smell. As a result, you may wish to consider having more frequent bin services.

5. Keep Bins Away From Heat:

If possible, keeping a bin located in a cool or shaded position (away from sunlight/heat) may assist in slowing down the decay of waste thereby controlling smells.

6. Keep The Bins Dry:

Bacteria thrives in moist warm environments. Take active steps to ensure there are no unnecessary liquids being placed into the bins. For example, dispose of liquids from waste containers in an appropriate manner rather throwing the liquid-filled container into the bin.

7. Frozen Food Thrown Out Last:

If you have food waste that needs to be thrown away, yet there are a few days before the next bin service, some of our clients freeze their food waste (e.g., seafood) and place it in the bin on the day before the next bin service.

8. Keep Lid Closed:

Keeping the lid closed will minimise the chance of pests flying into the bin and will also assist in containing any unpleasant odours.

9. Lock Your Bins:


Consider placing a lock on your bin to prevent members of the public from using your bin are their personal tip.


If you are interested in further information about any of the tips or products mentioned email us at web@instantwaste.com.au and we will contact, you.